We offer comprehensive health and social services to people after spinal cord injury.
Physiotherapy support clients after spinal cord injury when returning to everyday life. Regular exercise has a positive effect on improving physical fitness, improving respiratory functions, reducing pain (including spasticity), maintaining the physiological joint range, preventing arthritic changes, stability, stereognosis (the perception of your own body in space), increasing muscle strength and, last but not least, leading to overall physical and mental health.
Personal Assistance
The personal assistance service was born to provide people in wheelchairs with new opportunities to live their lives “without restrictions.” The time of overcrowded institutions and out-of-home care is disappearing one step at a time. People with mobility restrictions can stay in a home environment without requiring constant care from their loved ones. The personal assistant takes on the role of the client’s hands and feet and takes a job in the performance of the care of himself, in personal hygiene, helps with the provision of food, maintains the client’s household according to his requirements, but also accompanies him to exercises or cultural events.
Professional social counseling
Professional social counseling helps people with spinal cord injury to find the right solution and information needed to cope with a new life situation. We support our clients in their return to life, in exercising their rights and legitimate interests, in dealing with the authorities and other institutions. The team of experts provides clients with support in the field of social, legal, psychological, occupational, and also in the area of barrier-free.
Ergotherapy is an integral part of the client’s complex rehabilitation after spinal cord injury. During self-sufficiency exercises, clients train, for example, the stability of the fuselage, which is essential both for safe riding in the wheelchair and during movements. They also rehearse the dress code, experience fine motor skills, and graphomotorics. Last but not least, they can also deal with sexual function disorders with an occupational therapist. In the practice of self-service skills, an integral part of the team is also an instructor of self-sufficiency. Thanks to his experience of living in a wheelchair pass advice and tips on how to handle the activity more often and at the same time better.
Other activities
We try to help and be active in as many areas as possible. We organize reconditioning stays, where clients can gain new strength and make new friends. Preventive discussions in schools and companies, which we are preparing in cooperation with the Police of the Czech Republic, are also popular. We rent compensatory aids that clients need, but buying your own is beyond their financial means. With our barrier-free transport, clients are always transported safely and on time wherever they need to be. We also have our own fully equipped barrier-free apartment, which is used for temporary accommodation. We will advise you where to go on a barrier-free trip, we organize educational courses, we have fun with art creations or sports and social events…
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